Marie-Ange Nardi mother of Hugo 19 years old: her rare secrets about her son

Two years ago, Camille Combal proposed an ambitious new project for TF1 called The Great Inlay. The goal was simple: invite yourself to the most watched television meetings of the French. The first issue had then gathered more than 5 million viewers. And this Tuesday, October 18, they will finally be able to discover the second after eighteen months of preparation. This time, Camille Combal went further by imagining no less than 60 characters ready to appear on our screens with humor. One of them notably became embedded in the show Téléshopping with Marie-Ange Nardi.

She has been a cult figure on TF1 since 2008, when she replaced Laurent Cabrol at the presentation of the program. And all these years she managed to maintain discretion about her private life. We know, however, that she has been a woman in love for many, many years. It is with her husband Nicolas Antakis that she flourishes on a daily basis and with whom she was lucky enough to have a child, young hugo born in 2003 and aged 19. A son who met an astonishing health problem during childhood.

In 2011, for TV Star, she explained that he had suffered from a cold in the hips, which is not common, when he was 8 years old (inflammation of the synovium, the membrane that surrounds the hip joint). “It happens to little boys that age. So we do check-ups. But otherwise he’s in great shape.“, she announced.

It took ten years to get new confessions from Marie-Ange Nardi about her family. Indeed, it is in 2021, in the pages of the magazine We both, that she indulged once again in extremely rare confidences. “I am someone who is quite stable in my friendship or love choices. We got married in 1997 (with Nicolas Antakis, editor’s note), but we had been together for years. It’s the happiness of existence to have a family life, to feel that you have people around to support you.“, she said. During this same interview, she implied that her son did not seem to want to follow in his footsteps. “He is more interested in all things computer. He’s smarter than me… But things can still change. As Rimbaud said: ‘You’re not serious when you’re 17!‘”.

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