Marie-Ange Casta: Rare family photo with her husband Marc-Antoine Le Bret and their two children!

2022 is definitely the year of all possibilities. While she fiercely protects her privacy and never mentions either her marriage or her family life – except in exceptional cases – Marie-Ange Casta has agreed to kill two birds with one stone by posing with her husband … and their two children. It was Marc-Antoine Le Bret, his dear half, who shared this shot full of tenderness and discretion on January 1. In this photograph, we can see four silhouettes, of course, but two faces are masked, two others protected by emojis.

I didn’t want to have people’s eyes on me

“Good year“writes simply the humorist and imitator. Decidedly, lovers scatter information in dribbles. Marie-Ange Casta, not a fan of intimate confessions, always takes the time to reflect before announcing great news. She had by example expected that his eldest daughter, Catalina, was two years old before revealing that she was a mother. “It’s very selfish, she explained then. I wanted to live this moment for me. I was young and I didn’t want to have any questions, I didn’t want to have people’s eyes on me during my pregnancy. I was in a bubble and I didn’t want to get out of it.

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