Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) upset by a big change: she shares “her tears”

It’s been several months now Marie-Alix Jeanson (39 years old), her husband Alexandre (40 years old) and their five children, Mayeul (14 years old), Auxence (12 years old), Faustine (10 years old), Victor (9 years old) and Aloys (5 years old), are preparing to a great upheaval. The mother of Large families, life in XXL announced it: they are leaving the metropolis for the island of Reunion, where her military husband has been transferred. The preparations for the move were long but the big departure is now imminent.

After leaving her job as an administrative and commercial assistant in corporate real estate and packing up all her belongings, Marie-Alix Jeanson had only one thing left to do: wait. Monday July 18, 2022, she therefore had time to think, 48 hours from leaving the cozy nest she had built for herself. And naturally she was overwhelmed with emotion. “What can I say… It’s coming, no doubt it’s coming. The day after tomorrow, we’ll be on the train. Listen, these are rather special days. I have always operated on this Instagram account with authenticity and honesty as best I can. And I’m not hiding from you that it’s been several days that I still have tears at the edge of my eyes all the time. I think there is fatigue, that’s for sure. No offense to some who will say: ‘don’t complain, you’re on vacation!’. I haven’t been sleeping very, very well the last few days. And for good reason… There is still a big change ahead of us“, she confided in story Instagram, sobs in her voice.

Marie-Alix Jeanson nevertheless remains happy to begin this new chapter of her life. “I know we made the right choice and that we will probably cry when we leave there in two years, that’s for sure. But at the same time, we also leave behind a lot of people we love“, she hardly articulated before stopping to film herself, certainly too upset. “Not too Instagrammable. But here I share with you a part of my life… And today, my life is partly about these tears…“, she ended up writing to conclude.

This Tuesday, July 19, the pretty blonde seemed to have recovered from her emotions and was ready to move forward.

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