Marie-Alix Jeanson (Large families) “disgusted”: disappointment in Reunion, she suspects a scam

Marie-Alix Jeanson (39 years old), her husband Alexandre (40 years old) and their five children, Mayeul (14 years old), Auxence (12 years old), Faustine (10 years old), Victor (9 years old) and Aloys (5 years old) were subjected to a great upheaval. They left the metropolis to settle on the island of Reunion where the military dad was transferred. And while the latter has already returned to work, the mother of Large families, life in XXL who resigned to follow him, she finds herself at home with her children. Luckily, the area has no shortage of things to do. Marie-Alix had planned to have a good time outdoors this Monday, July 25. “This morning, good foot good eye, I woke up at 6 o’clock, it’s a bit like the schedules here. The children around 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., leaving for the beach. We say to ourselves: ‘Too cool’“, she confided in story Instagram, stating that it was a “beach not too far, too beautiful, where they have already been a few times“.

Not too far but accessible only by car. And unfortunately, it encountered some problems at startup. “It tells me ‘worn brake pads’, ‘failing power steering’“, reported Marie-Alix who had to resolve not to use her vehicle: “I would not have taken the risk of leaving with my car, especially with the roads here which go up, down or turn a lot.”

It’s still bad luck

Result: a trip to the beach canceled and a day waiting for the tow truck. “I’m without a car, I’m waiting for my insurance to give me the list of approved garages. But I admit that for a first day alone, in a place where I have just arrived, it’s still bad luck“. And for her to suspect a scam on the car she bought in mainland France: “I admit that I am disgusted and I hope that we were not scammed by buying this car. I specify that we brought him here. I’m not going to make hasty assumptions but I have the impression that there are things that should have been checked and which were not. So we’ll see…

An hour later, Marie-Alix Jeanson nevertheless found a smile thanks to the care of her car with which she is rather satisfied. “It’s a hassle these car problems, but I admit that the way it happens, it’s still rather sympatoche“, she pointed out. In her misfortune, the pretty blonde was delighted to see her children “take care of themselves“thanks to an abandoned kitten that they found near their home and that they would definitely like to adopt.

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