Marianne James ultra well paid for New Star: frank confidences on the “money” she made

From 2004 to 2007, Marianne James served on the jury of New star. A musical program which made the heyday of M6 during this period and which revealed great stars of the song, such as Christophe Willem, Amel Bent or even Julien Doré. The program also brought notoriety to the singer whose career was already impressive at the time. “There was still a before and an after. New star. It gave me a lot“, she admitted at the microphone of Bruno Guillon in her show The Good Sunday show on RTL expected this September 25 but whose Gala was able to obtain an extract.

During her four years of sharing her advice as a professional singer, Marianne James especially had the opportunity to bail out her bank account as she later reveals. “It was great, we were very well paid at the time. Which is less the case now. What did we earn as dough!“, she let go, keeping however the mystery on the accuracy of her salary. And for her to be ironic: “I thank taxes. It did not escape them. Long live France ! Me, I kiss the cops, the nurses, the street furniture. Bus shelters, I love them, they are at my height, I hug them, I rub against themI leave my DNA.

Always very attached to New star, Marianne James has also indicated that he is preparing a return for the 20th anniversary of the show. An appointment that she would not miss for anything in the world: “There is the 20th anniversary coming up and parties are planned. Attention, we do not redo the New star ! (…) It’s great, we’ll be able to share anecdotes that we’re finally going to throw out. 20 years, there is prescription.

Remember that after his experience New starMarianne James has remained in the audiovisual landscape, notably integrating the jury of France has an unbelievable talent. On the other hand, for this program, it would have been “bought cheap“. This is what she assured in any case in 2018 during the press conference.

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