Marianne James (Mask Singer) insulted by an SNCF controller!

“Anecdote n°9” from Marianne James on TikTok. The one who was eliminated during the first prime of “Mask Singer” tells it on video this day when she was taken in the face by an SCNF controller. “I’m on the train, the controllers arrive to check the tickets. It was three, four years ago. There are two of them, a man and a woman. And it’s the woman who collects my papers. She has the cap at the back, short blond hair sticking out, her shirt is Tuesday hanging with Wednesday. She is disheveled, you can tell she has just come out of a drunken meal or a drunken sandwich. it is not very very clear what”begins by telling the artist who swung behind the scenes of “Mask Singer” lately.

Before telling the worst: “she sees my subscription card she goes ‘ah bah you’re ugly huh, you’re ugly, you’re really not beautiful On this photo'”. A surprising remark in addition to being very hurtful which makes Marianne James very uncomfortable. “Honestly, I don’t take it well, how do you take it well? I tell him ‘well, go ahead, huh, go ahead, say it louder, I don’t think they heard it in the train car. next door. It’s okay yes, we didn’t ask your opinion'”she got carried away.

She then shares the controller’s reaction: “ah bah me I always tell the truth, you are ugly you are ugly”. Marianne James explains by following having arrested his seat neighbor after this altercation. She describes him as a very elegant man, with “a quality watch”, “an impeccable suit”reading the newspaper and this is what he said to her: “you shouldn’t do television if you don’t want to be bothered on the TGV”.

An anecdote that she tells today with a smile but which must have been very complicated to manage at the time. Marianne James who confessed after her participation in “Mask Singer” to like to go unnoticed… “I was sure that people would not see my overweight, my obesity to be as honest as possible. I did not want to be recognized because I knew that I could use all my voices”she said about her baby costume, which made her agree to participate in the show, during an interview for Gala.

Antoine FM

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