Marianne James in love? Cash secrets on the men and the couple!

Marianne James is an essential personality, hard to say otherwise. Actress and singer, she acquired, since the New star, an even stronger reputation. With her curly hair, her diva outfits and her inimitable outspokenness, she has appeared numerous times in the media (she is now part of France has an unbelievable talent) but always kept his private life very secret.

In interview with Faustine Bollaert for the magazine Between us, she however agreed to raise the subject as she rarely does. When she has just turned 60, she is clear and laconic: no, she is not in love at the moment because she has “no time“. Busy with her show, her tour and the little singing lessons she gives on Instagram, she also knows that her personality has something to do with it.

I know that if I want it to work I have to brake myself on all levels or else they go away. No man can stay next to a Stromboli like me!” explains this free woman with an impetuous temperament. The men who frequent her are warned: they had better be daring, “to rub shoulders with the dragon!

The one who loves hugs and feeling protected in the arms of a man has not given up on a beautiful romance. However, she understood today that she shouldn’t hang on too much in order not to be disappointed. “I’m with them as long as they last and then I tell them we’re still friends. So I have lots of friends around me“.

Another parameter also interferes with his life as a couple: his notoriety. Long in depression because of intense media coverage, she is now calm about it. “Men come because you’re famous and they leave because of that. The last one I was madly in love with left me saying ‘It’s hard to live in your shadow’. Yet I presented it to everyone, I was very proud. It’s hard for a man to evolve next to a famous woman, who has more money too. You know, even if I stay quiet in my corner, I am someone who is seen“.

Today, she may have found the solution: to flirt abroad, in a country where we don’t know her and where she wouldn’t have comments on her physique or her personality. “It’s weird but I have a split personality. I don’t know why but when I’m in France, I’m good as a picture, while abroad, I’m much naughtier! Attention, with men of my age of course. A man even a few years younger would be like my son“.

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