Marianne James, her unique couple with Bertrand: their rather special arrangement

In France has an unbelievable talentjust as it did fifteen years ago in The New Star, Marianne James is an impartial, honest and frank juror. Turned towards others, the one who celebrated her sixtieth birthday this year is not the type to hide her feelings and has quickly become the one who understands the candidates without hesitating to criticize them from time to time, allowing them to explore their talent in depth.

A frank and honest character that has made its reputation for more than thirty years, but she does not play. As she confided in 2017 in Galashe is also like that in her private life and in particular with Bertrand Edl, on whom she had imposed strict rules.

[Il] understood me. We each live at home, we only share the best. Sometimes I don’t believe it anymore, I feel a little desperate, it doesn’t last long. My solar side has its lunar side, it goes with it“, she had told, before explaining that he had given her very good advice to overcome these difficult times. “He keeps telling me: ‘Don’t go looking for help outside, the resources to heal you are within you.‘ And he’s right. The singers have their lungs filled with air, they rise to the surface.

A man who had also understood that she refused marriage and children, much to her relief. Both had appeared, a few months before the interview, at Roland-Garros in 2017 but have not repeated the exercise since. Marianne James being rather discreet on the subject, hard to know if the two are still together today. Especially since the singer had confided in the subject of love a few months ago for Between usFaustine Bollaert’s magazine, and revealed that not everything was easy.

Men come because you’re famous and they leave because of it. The last one I was madly in love with left me saying, ‘It’s hard to live in your shadow'”, she recalled. And to continue:Yet I presented it to everyone, I was very proud. It’s hard for a man to evolve next to a famous woman, who has more money too. You know, even if I keep quiet in my corner, I am someone who is seen.

Marianne James knows it, living with her is not easy: “No man can stand next to a Stromboli like me!

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