Marianne James at the Trianon in Bordeaux

To sing ! There are those who know and those who don’t know… those who think they know… and those who don’t know that they know. You follow ?

The voice!

We all dream of singing wonderfully, of having that voice which tomorrow makes people applaud us as soon as we start humming. Whether it’s to amaze ourselves when we sing in the shower, for the applause of our children to whom we sing nursery rhymes, to bluff our friends during a karaoke or downright to make a brilliant professional career. Well precisely… If we all sang in chorus, in unison, like nightingales announcing spring, and why not just (in addition!)? For one evening it’s the queen of vocalizations, the queen of melodic humour, the one whose song matches all feathers, Marianne James who will coach us!

It’s all in the voice!

During this one woman show, Marianne James will give us all her know-how, retracing the evolution of the singing of the caves of Lascaux to Céline Dion. Marianne James will put her voice and ours to the test in order to sing in unison. More than a musical show, more than a conference on singing, Marianne offers us a meeting! His and that of ourselves with our voice. If singing is a bit about revealing your soul, then Marianne James will open the doors of her heart to us and give us an extraordinary experience!

Trianon Theater in Bordeaux. 6, rue Franklin, Friday 10 and Saturday 11 June 2022. Prices from €12.

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