Marianne Faithfull: The singer makes a big decision for her health…

This is news that will perhaps make rock’n’roll lovers look old: Marianne Faithfull, iconic singer of the 60s and 70s, just moved into a VIP nursing homenorth of London, according to the DailyMail. It must be said that the Briton, now 75 years old, has had to deal with many health problems in recent years.

Indeed, in 2020, in particular, she had to be hospitalized following a serious infection with Covid-19. And the disease left him some sequelae: she still has trouble breathing and can’t sing anymore. She would also suffer from short-term memory problems, which would have developed after her contamination.

The singer therefore found it preferable to settle in a British retirement home. But be careful, not just any: she who said she was broke has actually just moved into one of the most expensive residences in the London suburbs, where many VIPs have lived until the end of their lives. Richard Attenborough, best known for his role in Jurassic Park and his wife Sheila Sim have been there, as well as many actors from sitcom British.

It must be said that the managers of this posh establishment reserve places for former actors, singers or comedians or circus artists over 70 years old, and promise them to live in a magnificent setting with a huge 16th century house, in the middle of a Park. Marianne Faithfull, mother of a son, Nicholas, will be able to take the time there to get back into shape.

The singer, idol of the 60s, marked the spirits with her hoarse voice and her blond hair which made her look like a doll. In her youth, she meets Brian Jones, guitarist of the Rolling Stones, who will make her start drugs, then Mick Jagger, with whom she will live a long affair, indulging in all addictions, including hard drugs.

Legend of English youth, living embodiment of the slogan “sex, drugs and rock’n’roll“, she falls very low when Brian Jones dies of an overdose and she goes very close to the worst, too. She then spent a few years on the streets and ended up getting out of all her addictions between the 70s and 80. Until her recent health problems, she had resumed gigs and albums, although her voice has changed a lot due to her excesses.

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