Marianna, Ukrainian influencer, she participated in a scene during the bombing of the maternity hospital in Mariupol?




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Marianna, a young Ukrainian influencer, has been accused by the Kremlin of being an actress and of having played the role of a survivor of the Mariupol maternity hospital bombing. Yet Marianna was pregnant but Russia uses a new interview of the young woman to defend herself.

Marianna’s photo had gone around the world. Wounded during the Russian bombardments against the maternity hospital of Mariupol on March 9, 2022, the young woman had been accused by the Kremlin of being an actress. The lie has since been exposed by Western media. Marianna is indeed a influencer but she was pregnant at the time. Russia now uses another argument to defend itself and uses an interview filmed on April 2, 2022 in which the young woman speaks to explain herself.

In the video, Marianna takes up several elements of language used by the Kremlin, in particular on the origin of the explosions at the maternity ward of Mariupol. “They told us there was no aerial bombardment, so we were right, we didn’t hear any aerial bombardment”she says. But this is fake car two journalists present on site that day, we well recorded the sound of at least one plane, followed by two explosions at the maternity ward. Regarding the photo, Marianna speaks of Photo stolen. But in reality, in images filmed by AFP, we hear exchanges between her and the journalists. At no time does she say she does not want to be filmed. Marianna therefore multiplies the inconsistencies in the interview, which raises questions about the conditions in which this has been done. Asked by a pro-Russian youtuber, there is no indication that the young woman speaks freely.

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