Marguerite de Strasbourg’s New Year’s pretzel

This sweet pretzel is also served Saint-Martin with cottage cheese.

The pretzel you can make with these ingredients will be about 40 m in diameter.

Ingredients :

  • 5 gr of baker’s yeast
  • 250 gr of flour
  • 70 gr of sugar
  • 80 gr of milk
  • 80 gr of butter at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • a whole egg
  • an egg yolk mixed with milk or coffee for the gilding


Preperation :

Mix the yeast with 30 g of lukewarm milk. Let sit for 15 minutes.

Create a fireplace in the flour in a salad bowl.

Place the other ingredients in a separate bowl.

Pour the milk and baking powder into the flour, then add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well and let sit for an hour.

Degas the dough. Remove 50 gr of pure dough for the decoration.

Shape a sort of large sausage 80 to 100 cm long.

Form the pretzel on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Add the decoration.

Brown the pretzel with the egg mixed with milk or coffee. Slice in thicker parts, like bread.

Let stand again for 30 minutes.

Bake at 180 ° C (thermostat 6) for 35 minutes.

Marguerite tastes it the next day, because it tastes better, with a good hot chocolate.

The bat

Marguerite will also take part in the Opera Piano concert on Tuesday January 18 at 8:30 p.m. in the Illkirch-Graffenstaden Illiade.

Around 1920, in Paris. Duparquet has plotted a farce for his friend Gaillardin. It will be his revenge for a bad trick of the latter which forced him one day to cross the whole city, disguised as a bat! He introduces her under a false name to a masked ball at the house of the rich Orlovsky, but he does the same with his wife and his maid! The evening promises to be rich in entertainment …

Opéra Piano is a lyrical company, made up of amateurs and professionals. Their goal is to make the opera-bouffe and the operetta known to a large audience.

Reserve your tickets.

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