Mareva Galanter and Arthur: photo of their daughter Manava on vacation in Tahiti

Mareva Galanter is a happy mother alongside his companion arthur. Their daughter Manava has been lighting up their lives for seven years now. The two lovebirds do not hesitate to share with their subscribers on social networks moments of their child.

This was the case this Sunday, October 30, when Mareva Galanter posted a photo of her daughter on Instagram, straw hat on the head, swimsuit and building a sandcastle, taking full advantage of his school holidays in Moorea (Tahiti). The whole supplemented by a message from the poet Horace. “Stop wondering what the future holds for you and take what the day brings as a gift”, did she say. This sentence illustrates the day that the ex-Miss France spends alongside her daughter. Without doubt the most beautiful way to tell its subscribers to live in the present moment. In any case, the latter love this pretty photo of Manava according to the few comments: “She is happy in the sand”, “Very nice picture”, “Happy Holidays in Paradise”, “As beautiful as her mother”, “Beautiful your Louloute”.

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