Marc Labrèche on his way to Noovo

Big move in our wonderful world of showbiz. Marc Labrèche is working on a new variety talk show for the Noovo channel, which could hit the airwaves in 2023.

Posted at 6:00 a.m.

This secret project, which will be produced by France Beaudoin (Live from the universe, For takeout), however, will not replace The week of the 4 Julies. This is a weekly (and not daily) show where Marc Labrèche, surrounded by young collaborators, will receive guests from different worlds, so not just stars. It could also be grafted sketches and parodies.

“We are not very advanced in the concept. There’s nothing signed, nothing official yet, but the people at Noovo have shown an attractive openness,” Marc Labrèche told me on the phone.

Always supported by his accomplice Rafaële Germain, Marc Labrèche will shoot a pilot program next week, where he will test some ideas and concepts which will perhaps serve as a skeleton for future episodes.

The idea of ​​working live also tickles the entertainer and interviewer.


Marc Labreche

I like the direct, the authentic, the true, with its blunders and its excesses. It brings me closer to the theater and it allows me to speak directly, in real time, to the people who are listening.

Marc Labreche

After the end of Tall blonde with a sneaky show at TVA, the host never thought of returning to a hybrid formula between the talk show and the varieties. “It tempts me to create meetings, to ask questions, to take the time to have a minimum of conversation, to change the breathing and not necessarily to be in a formatted framework”, explains Marc Labrèche.

This new project by Marc Labrèche at Noovo does not sign, for the moment, the death of This year at Tele-Quebec. “It is much too early to make that decision,” says the main interested party. The fifth season of This year began this fall in a reduced formula with two alternating columnists (Émilie Perreault, Fred Savard and Simon Boulerice). The withdrawal of a commentator allows Marc Labrèche to receive an additional guest per episode, which gives more visibility to the artists.

The show no longer focuses on a single year and now taps into cultural history all over the place.

“At the level of the atmosphere” at OD

As the poet-chemist Félix declaimed in his feline voice, fat, we were entitled to an elimination “at the level of the atmosphere” at Double occupation this week. And for the first time in the history of this Cupidon reality show, which brings us back to the time of the Point-Zéro-sur-le-Lac estate in Blainville, the guys plotted to oust one of their own, poor Jonathan , aka the firefighter possessed by the dustpan.


Jonathan, candidate ofDouble occupation

All attendees heartily hated Jonathan, 26, a smiling bachelor obsessed with clothes racks and discarded shower towels. By slipping the photo of Clémence (or Francine or Blue dress, choose) in the red envelope, the guys ensured that her suitor would also pack his Lambert suitcase and that the dictatorship of the household would finally end. Party Couche-Tard, the gang!

As a viewer, this super frustrating ousting oozed pettiness and hypocrisy. Personally, it made me look good. Why ? Because Jonathan de Saint-Basile-le-Grand, the so-called tyrant of the Vileda mop, did not make any inappropriate gesture having poisoned the daily life of his villa comrades, on the contrary. He only played Mr. Clean very neatly.

The production ofDouble occupation claims that she did not hide Jonathan’s dark side from viewers and that it is a clash of personalities between him and the rest of the male cast, which made their cohabitation impossible.

“Jonathan said it in an interview: the guys are very buffoons, while he is more serious, more dad. He likes to keep order in the house, which doesn’t seem to be the same priority for his roommates. All these factors put together inevitably created a distance with the guys and they found a way for Jonathan to leave on his own, ”supports Productions J, which orchestrates OD for the Noovo channel, in a statement sent to The Press.

What upsets even more is the energy deployed by the competitors to portray Jonathan as the villain, when they are the mean girls with big arms who live in a pigsty.

At least, this putsch will have revealed the identity of the two-faced – always very shiny – faces of the show, especially those of Walide and Isaack, who repeated that there was nothing personal in this scheme, that Jo was a good brothat they had never spoken behind his back.

That’s why the fans are screaming at the intimidation of Jonathan, who has been ostracized like in a high school cafeteria. In this domestic saga, OD lost a strong couple, Clémence and Jonathan, but kept his two star green plants, Félix and Koralie-Maya. It makes no sense.

Still in Martinique, Virginie was afraid “of being used” by Philippe who had already “linked” with Kiana. This same Kiana was “transparent with her emotions”, while Jimy the cowboy felt like an African lion “that we criss in Alaska”. Before leaving his island, Jonathan visited the “Arche de Triomphe” in Paris, he enjoyed “the little setup” of a sponsored hotel on the Champs-Élysées and he “kissed” Clémence, yes, yes.

And how can we forget this wonderful sequence where Philippe and Isaack, aware of the cameras turned towards them, “switched” to English thinking that no one would understand this exotic language or that Noovo would never relay excerpts in the language of Shakespeare.

Whoo, boys. Subtitles exist. Especially for Stéphane Rousseau in STAT.

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