“You can also finance air mixers which will also allow, once the heat is there, to cool your home,” Martin Lagane, from the National Housing Agency (Anah), explained to France Culture on Tuesday.
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In the midst of a heatwave, the National Housing Agency (ANAH) is reminding people of the importance of renovating their homes. “A major energy renovation allows you to protect yourself from the cold during the winter and from the heat in the summer, especially during heatwaves. A well-insulated home is a home that is cooler in the summer, since the heat stays outside,” explains Martin Lagane, head of the Communication, Coordination and Institutional Relations Division of Anah, to France Culture on Tuesday.
“Today, MaPrimeRénov’ allows you to finance this work. You can also finance air mixers which will also allow, once the heat is there, to cool your home. There is everything you need in the arsenal of State financing, in the support you can benefit from through France Rénov'”, he adds. The MaPrimeRénov system is reserved for landlord owners and owner-occupiers.
There is “more than 600 counters [France Rénov’] across the territory, with advisors who are there to inform you about the best practices for using your home, how to live in your home when it’s hot, to avoid letting the heat in”. These advisors “are mainly there to support you throughout your renovation to do the right work, call on the right craftsmen and install the right equipment with the right insulation, which will provide comfort in both winter and summer. You have to think about major renovations for all seasons”.