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The France Rénov’ platform is launched on the Internet. Not only does it allow you to know the financial aid to which you are entitled, but also to choose referenced craftsmen. A simplified loan will also soon be put in place.
A resident of Oise chose to equip his home with a pellet stove to be better heated at a lower cost. To equip himself, he received 3,000 euros in aid, thanks to MaPrimRénov’. Only 430 euros remain at his expense. But launching the work was an obstacle course. “It was complicated. We passed several companies, but they did not all give us confidence, they did not all have RGE certification ”, confirms Alexandre Sarrat.
To simplify the process, a new platform has been created. From now on, to obtain aid of up to 30,000 euros, by carrying out roof ventilation, heating or even insulation work, everything is centralized. A few clicks are enough to find an advisor or a certified professional. And, soon, a simplified loan will be put in place.