Many unknowns remain on the eve of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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There are a lot of suspense and unknowns around the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in China, Friday, February 4. We find Antony Jolly in front of the Beijing stadium, the famous bird’s nest, the scene of the summer games in 2008.

While the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing (China) is imminent, Friday February 4, many unknowns remain, in the first place “the number of spectators, we saw a few dozen arrive, but how many will there be, 2,000, 20,000 or more? The Chinese authorities are keeping the mysterysays Anthony Jolly, live from Beijing. Mystery also as to the very end of the ceremony. It has been several weeks since the master of ceremonies, the conductor has been raising the suspense. “It promises an unprecedented cauldron lighting, unheard of, he says, in more than 100 years of Olympic Games”reports Anthony Jolly.

“We are going to have an eye on it, just like the French delegation, which will of course be in the front row to see the show”, says journalist Anthony Jolly. This is a small delegation, “Only 26 French athletes will parade out of 88 entered. Many are in Olympic villages far from Beijing and therefore a few hours for some of the start of the competitions, they preferred to watch the show on TV”concludes Anthony Jolly, special envoy to Beijing.

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