many surgeries postponed from next week in hospitals in Ile-de-France

Because of the Omicron wave and the number of Covid cases which continues to increase, hospitals are afraid of reaching level 2 of the white plan, namely 50% of critical care beds occupied.

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Hospitals in Ile-de-France are preparing for a surge in the number of hospitalizations due to Covid-19. “We are approaching landing 2 of the white plan imminently”, namely 50% of critical care beds occupied by Covid-19 patients, warns the Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency.

The ARS has thus “pass” this Thursday at Ile-de-France health establishments “the maximum deprogramming instruction” surgeries from next week, franceinfo learned on Friday, December 31, confirming information from Le Monde. ARS Ile-de-France nevertheless specifies that operations related to pediatrics, cardiology, oncology, nephrology and transplants will not be postponed.

In an internal email, the AP-HP (Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris) called caregivers to limit their activities “to treatments for which the vital prognosis is at stake”. On Wednesday, November 29, France exceeded the symbolic threshold of 200,000 Covid contaminations in 24 hours.

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