Many students go to positive tests for Covid-19

In a circular sent directly to the universities, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frederic Vidal asked that all the exams of the first semester be kept in person in the amphitheater. And those despite a particularly contagious omicron variant in 18-29 year olds.

A health protocol reduced to the strict minimum

Despite a record incidence rate, at more than 1,600 positive cases per 100,000 inhabitants in France, the Ministry of Higher Education has opted for a health protocol reduced to simple barrier gestures in an amphitheater. students are asked to keep a seat away, to wear the mask throughout the test, and to wash their hands according to information from the University of Artois in Pas-de-Calais. there is therefore no screening test required before the event or even the presentation of a health pass at the entrance to the room. “It is disappointing because we know that many students will go to lecture halls with the covid, whether they know it or not”. breaths Zoé, a law student, on the forecourt of the Faculty of Lille. “In addition, the rooms are not often ventilated and whether to wash your hands or not, it is up to everyone’s wishes”.

Students were forced to attend exams

Many students have chosen to go to a lecture hall, even positive for Covid. Some do not have a choice, like the students in the third year of the license. The selections in Master have already started for them, and in their files, the grades of the first semester of the third year are essential. Students who will not be able to attend partial due to the Covid will therefore be penalized. The Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, however assured that sessions of substitutions would be organized and that no penalty for the passage in 4th year will be retained on the files, only here is: “if the jurors have the choice between a file with and a file without notes, that will create inequalities” underlines Tomas Kebbati, elected students and member of the SUD Solidarité Lille union.

Some therefore choose to go to the even sick partial, like Lucas, positive for covis since Christmas Eve: “I have no choice. I’m going to get as far away from others as possible, wear my mask and not speak to avoid infecting everyone, but I absolutely have to go to partial.”

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