many seabirds found weakened on beaches and in gardens



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Storms: many seabirds found weakened on beaches and in gardens

Another consequence of the storms: associations have taken in a large number of seabirds injured or even exhausted by the violent winds. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – L. Legendre-Trousset, M. Martel, S. Deschamps, P. Lagaune, C. Etchegaray, France 3 Regions, J. Cohen-Oliveri

France Televisions

Another consequence of the storms: associations have taken in a large number of seabirds injured or even exhausted by the violent winds.

It’s not just humans who are shaken by storms, seabirds can also find themselves disoriented and weakened by bad weather. At a wildlife care center, they arrive disoriented, malnourished and hypothermic. Among the twenty gannets, many young ones were found near the Basque coast.

Little experienced birds

We had mainly young gannets of the year. So less experienced birds, which have been pushed by the winds, which have landed on beaches or in gardens to rest, which are completely weakened, in hypothermia“, explains Stephan Maury, co-founder of the Hegalaldia Wildlife Conservation Association. They will stay in the center for around two weeks, time to recover, because the violent winds trapped them and carried them far from their natural environment. .

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