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Three police officers were taken into custody on Sunday, June 5, by the IGPN. They had opened fire on the occupants of a car who were trying to escape control on Saturday, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris. The passenger died and the driver, injured in the chest, is still hospitalized.
A woman was fatally shot by police fire on Saturday, June 4, in front of several witnesses. The shooting occurred in the north of Paris. Police officers on bicycles noticed a car with four people inside, one of whom was unbelted. The vehicle is said to have fled in the direction of Boulevard Barbès, as the police approached. Officials caught up to him a few meters further, near an intersection.
“They came back next to us, and at that moment he pointed us directly. (…) We were all in a panic. We all shouted, I shouted: ‘Drop down, drop down ‘. Afterwards, we only heard the gunshots and the windows shattering”confides, Monday, June 6, one of the passengers.
The police claim that the driver restarted and drove into the crew. According to François Bersani, spokesperson for Unite SGP Police Île-de-France, the police “felt threatened”. The driver’s license was suspended, and he was wanted for an unexecuted sentence. He is being investigated for attempted murder of the police. The police are in custody with the IGPN, due to the consequences of their shooting.