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The year 2021 was marked by numerous climatic catastrophes with very expensive assessments. 150 billion euros is the total cost of these disasters. Figures announced by a British NGO and on which ones the journalist of France Televisions, Jean Chamoulaud returns in the 11 p.m..
Among the most significant climatic disasters of the year 2021, the damage toll is estimated at nearly 150 billion euros. Figures that show the growing impact of global warming on our planet. With 57 billion euros in damage, Storm Ida, which hit New York (United States), was the most costly disaster of the year. In second place, the July floods in Germany and Belgium cost 38 billion euros. In third place, Storm Uri, which had paralyzed the American electricity system for several days, cost nearly 20 billion euros.
France experienced a major cold spell in April which frosted many vineyards. The cost of this cold snap amounts to 5.6 billion euros. These disasters of 2021 claimed the lives of 1,075 people and displaced 1.3 million of people.
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