many gray areas to be lifted



France 3

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The trial of the Nice attacks began on Monday, September 5 in Paris. Éric Pelletier was live from the courthouse to talk about the gray areas to be lifted by the end of the trial on December 16.

While the trial of the attacks in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) opens Monday, September 5 in Paris, gray areas remain. “The Assize Court will have a little over three months to try to clear up the many gray areas of this file, starting with the true personality of the assailant, killed by the police. To understand his itinerary, to grasp his motives, it will be necessary to rely on the testimony of the defendants present”says Éric Pelletier, live from the courthouse.

The six men and one woman are tilers, a receptionist in a hotel or even a petty criminal. They say they want to answer the court’s questions. For the civil parties, “The whole point is to know why the Promenade des Anglais was not better secured that evening. One thing is certain: this debate will not be settled since an investigation is underway to determine if there have been any security breaches”continues the journalist.

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