“Many French (…) will be penalized by these energy sanctions”, deplores Jordan Bardella

Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally, reacts on France Inter to the agreement reached on Monday by the Twenty-Seven to stop most of their imports of Russian oil.

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The president of the National Rally estimates Tuesday, May 31 on France Inter that “many French people, many families, probably many companies will be penalized by these energy sanctions”. The far-right MEP reacts to the agreement of the Twenty-Seven reached on Monday to stop most of their imports of Russian oil.

The leaders of the Union have in fact reached an agreement which should make it possible to reduce their imports of Russian oil by some 90% by the end of the year in order to cut off the financing of the war waged by Moscow in Ukraine. Under negotiation for a month, the new sanctions package also provides for an extension of the EU blacklist to around sixty personalities, including the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill.

It includes the exclusion of three Russian banks from the Swift international financial system, including Sberbank, the country’s main institution. The leaders also approved the granting of 9 billion euros to the Ukrainian government to cover its immediate cash needs to run its economy.

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