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AT La Rochelle hospital (Charente Maritime), more than 50 patients VSvid are supported. Due to lack of personnel, interventions had to be deprogrammed.
Waves of deprogramming are also another consequence of Covid-19. At the La Rochelle hospital (Charente-Maritime), around 30% of operations are canceled in this way. Of the 11 blocks, two will be closed on January 18. “We have a lot of patients who are positive for Covid in the hospital and suddenly generate an absorption of staff which means that we do not have enough staff to run all the operating theaters”, says Dr. Romain Gateau.
The hospital must therefore reorganize itself, prioritize the patients to be operated on and avoid late treatment. This is a real headache for the nursing staff. As prostheses are not a priority, an orthopedic surgeon came to defend the case of his patients so that their operation could take place. “We must hope that the curve is reversed because otherwise it will be more and more complicated (…) it is an invisible epidemic which is unfolding”, says Pierre Thépot, director of the Atlantic Coast hospital group.