many countries adopt checks on arrivals from China

What there is to know

After the United States, Japan, Canada and several European countries, including France, Australia announced in turn, Sunday January 1, that a negative test for Covid-19 would be compulsory for travelers from China from January 5, evoking fears linked to the explosion of the pandemic in this country. Morocco has meanwhile purely and simply announced a ban on entry into its territory to all travelers from China as of January 3. Follow our live.

>> Covid-19: we explain why the mandatory screening of travelers from China is debated

A government speech on Sunday. The Ministers of Health, François Braun, and Transport, Clément Beaune, are expected at the end of the morning, Sunday, at Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport. They must discuss the French strategy in the face of the resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic in China.

The EU is considering a common strategy. The member states of the European Union are to discuss on Wednesday January 4 a common response to adopt, announced Sweden, which holds the half-yearly presidency of the EU from Sunday. In Europe, France, Italy and Spain, among others, have already introduced reinforced controls for travelers from China.

The end of China’s “zero Covid” strategy. Three years after the appearance of the first cases of coronavirus in Wuhan, China ended without notice on December 7 its draconian so-called “zero Covid” policy. Since the lifting of restrictions, Chinese hospitals have been overwhelmed by a surge of mostly elderly patients and crematoria are overwhelmed. But the country has stopped publishing the daily case tally.

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