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While he has been the new king of England for a few days, Monday, September 19, many challenges already await Charles III. Overview.
At 73, Charles III had no shortage of time to prepare to become the new King of England. However, he finds himself facing an uncertain path, paved with challenges. The new sovereign must first find his place in the hearts of the British, still divided. “He is very committed to climate change, and it is a subject that speaks to me a lot”, underlines an Englishwoman. One of his fellow citizens is not of the same opinion: “I would have preferred Prince William. In England, we all prefer Prince William.”
The new king is already facing some protesters, like on September 16, in Wales. The voice of the anti-monarchies had never been so loud under Elizabeth II. It is above all on his ability to ensure the unity of the kingdom that Charles III will be particularly awaited. His first two trips took him to Scotland and Northern Ireland, two nations in which the separatists won the last elections.