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And if Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Christiane Taubira did not obtain their sponsorships, and could not stand for the presidential election? Among the candidates in difficulty, several are calling for a reform of the system.
Candidates from all walks of life, potentially qualified for the second round, are still not guaranteed to obtain the 500 sponsorships of elected officials necessary to present themselves. At 12 days from the deadline, six candidates are guaranteed to be able to present themselves to the vote of the French. Others have almost their ticket in their pocket, but many are uncertain. The participation of Christiane Taubira, who has only 86 signatures, thus seems already compromised.
Without signature, no public funding. The situation forces candidates in difficulty to review their priorities. They focus on finding sponsorships, to the detriment of the campaign. Éric Zemmour has just canceled a trip scheduled for next week in Reunion, and Marine Le Pen has mobilized the leaders of his movement for canvassing. Many candidates looking for sponsorships want a reform of the system. Jean-Luc Mélenchon proposes that 150,000 citizens’ signatures are necessary, while others want the choice of mayors not to be made public.