Many adapted sports meetings are springing up in Drôme Ardèche

This is the case of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes league of adapted sport which, with the Departmental Committee, is offering many meetings in our territories in the weeks to come.

To find out more, listen to the replay of the show.

The French Federation of Adapted Sport (FFSA) organizes, develops, coordinates and controls the practice of physical and sporting activities for people with mental and/or psychological disabilities.
These are people (children, adolescents, adults, the elderly) with:

  • either a mild intellectual deficiency, a moderate or profound intellectual deficiency which may be associated with physical or sensory handicaps (people with multiple disabilities);
  • or mental disorders.


More info on the Drôme Ardèche adapted sports committee website

The site of the French adapted sports federation

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