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Nitrites, additives used in particular for sausages or hams, are suspected of increasing the risk of cancer.
The biggest users of nitrites are the charcuterie industry. Sausages, sausages, hams, there are everywhere and far too many. The government is asking to reduce their use by 20% in the coming weeks. Stéphane Thielen, an artisan butcher, is concerned. The professional uses 15 grams of salt, mixed with nitrites, per kilo of ham. According to him, this step is essential. “Thanks to this, the ham can be kept for more than two or three days. If you don’t add nitrates, the ham isn’t pink”he points out.
“A lack of commitment from the government”
Nitrite-free ham keeps for less time than in supermarkets, but it is healthier. Stéphane Thielen has considerably reduced his use of nitrites in other products, such as pies. He makes efforts, others want to completely eliminate nitrites. This is the case of associations like Foodwatch. “It is extremely disappointing. We are facing […] lack of government commitmenti, finally, ne will not protect the health of the consumer with a simple reduction”, regrets Camille Dorioz, campaign manager for Foodwatch. In July 2022, ANSES established a clear relationship between the risk of cancer and exposure to nitrites.