Manuel Valls finds his ex-wife Anne Gravoin, for a big evening with Brigitte Macron

Nearly 1,000 people gathered at the Carrousel du Louvre, in the heart of Paris, this Thursday evening to attend the annual Crif dinner, which had not taken place for two years due to the health situation. Among the guests, many political figures such as former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, who found his ex-companion there, Anne Gravoin.

Both had been married from 2010 to 2018 before abruptly divorcing. Manuel Valls then briefly rebuilt his life with LREM MP Olivia Grégoire before meeting the Spanish heiress Susanna Gallardo Torrededia, whom he married in 2019. Coming alone, he was able to meet Brigitte Macron, radiant in her black dress.

She was also alone, the President of the Republic being held back by a European meeting on the subject of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. She found Jean Castex, who gave the speech to the assembly in place of Emmanuel Macron and who welcomed the government’s fight against anti-Semitism.

We will only come to the end of the filthy beast (…) by the general mobilization of the whole society” he said on behalf of the president, calling for a fight “tirelessly“.”Our security forces, our magistrates thus learn in their schools to better flush out its new faces [de l’antisémitisme] (…). Our teachers are made aware of this during their training, police and gendarmes receive specific training“.

Among the other guests present, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin joined his colleagues Jean-Michel Blanquer, Eric Dupont Moretti and Marlène Schiappa. Several presidential candidates also made the trip, including Valérie Pecresse, Anne Hidalgo and Jean Lassalle. Yannick Jadot was also invited and met the president of Crif, Mr. Kalifat, as well as the imam of Drancy, Hassen Chalghoumi, in full discussion with the former minister Brice Hortefeux.

The Prime Minister announced that the President of the Republic would go to Toulouse on March 20 to commemorate the memory of the victims of Mohammed Merah, the perpetrator of an attack in a Jewish school in 2012. He will be accompanied by the Israeli President and will pay tribute in particular to the murdered children of the Ozar Atorah school.

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