Manuel Bompard considers it “natural” that LFI is seeking the presidency of the finance commission on behalf of Nupes


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The deputy La France insoumise Manuel Bompard considers on franceinfo Friday “normal” that the presidency of the Finance Committee returns to the most numerous coalition and therefore to the New Popular, Ecological and Social Union.

“Since Madame Borne said yesterday [jeudi, sur LCI] that the majority would not participate, as is the rule, the tradition of voting on the presidency of the Finance Committee, so it is normal that it returns to the coalition which is the most numerous and therefore to the New Union popular, ecological and social” (Nupes), assured Manuel Bompard, deputy La France insoumise of Bouches-du-Rhône, Friday June 24 on franceinfo.

>> National Assembly: does the Constitution require that the presidency of the Finance Committee be given to the largest opposition group?

Under these conditions, who will be the candidate presented by the left-wing coalition? Thursday, during the first meeting of the Nupes intergroup.

“We agreed on a principle: we will present joint candidacies for all the positions of responsibility within the National Assembly.”

Manuel Bompard

at franceinfo

This includes “this famous presidency of the Finance Committee”. La France insoumise proposed the name of Éric Coquerel, deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis. Valérie Rabault, Socialist Party (PS) MP for Tarn-et-Garonne, is also a candidate for this post.

For Manuel Bompard, “it seems natural that in the coalition that we are forming together, it is the most numerous political group that proposes a candidate for the presidency of the Finance Committee”. “For the moment, in the first group meetings we did, we were at 74 deputies”he detailed.

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