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Following the victory of Christiane Taubira at the Popular Primary, Manuel Bompard was invited to the 23h set of franceinfo. According to him, this election, in which his candidate never wanted to participate, is not representative of the will of the French.
If one of the objectives of the Popular Primary was to unite the left behind a single candidate, many of them have declined the proposal from the start. Among them, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate for La France Insoumise, who has never been enthusiastic about this idea. “I congratulate Christiane Taubira for winning an election in which she was the only candidate. It’s a great performance”quips Manuel Bompard, campaign director for Jean-Luc Mélenchon and MEP LFI, guest of 23h de franceinfo.
“Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, all were candidates for this ballot against their will. I had asked a fortnight ago that the name of Jean-Luc Mélenchon be withdrawn. This shows the dishonesty of having have these candidates participate and then tell them that they came 2nd, 3rd, 4th and that they must line up behind the person who came first”he continues.
If he affirms not to neglect the figures of this election, Manuel Bompard specifies that the primary system is not representative of the population. “Anyone can come up with numbers. I just find it curious that for someone who said they didn’t want to be one more candidate, that’s actually the case today”, he believes. As for a possible analysis of this vote concerning possible things to review on the program of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he declares that without debate or confrontation of ideas, impossible to affirm that the vote was made according to this postman.
“JL Mélenchon’s program is known, it sells very well in bookstores. Christiane Taubira will now have to tell us what hers is and then we can debate”, insists Manuel Bompard. Finally, if he “understand that we aspire to unity and unity”to win the presidential election, you have to “first be identified on the basis of a program and convince citizens that these proposals can change their lives”.