“Macron negotiated with the extreme right. He betrayed the French once again,” stressed the coordinator of La France insoumise on X.
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Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen “agreed to steal the French vote”accused the coordinator of La France Insoumise, Manuel Bompard, on Sunday September 7, on CNews and Europe 1. “Those who are betrayed in this story” are both Emmanuel Macron’s voters and Marine Le Pen’s voters, he believes, in reaction to the nomination, on Thursday, of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister.
According to an article in the JDD, The President of the Republic called Marine Le Pen on Thursday to ensure that the Rally would not censor the new Prime Minister before his general policy speech, after very critical remarks made by RN MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy. A telephone conversation that Marine Le Pen denies having had. The head of the RN MPs has denied from Hénin-Beaumont having actively participated in the arrival of Michel Barnier at Matignon, assuring that she is not the “HRD” of the Head of State.
According to Manuel Bompard, the voters of Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen were nevertheless betrayed. The former because they “majority voted” in the second round of legislative elections for “prevent the far right from being in power” but find themselves with the extreme right in the position of kingmaker. The latter because they hoped “a break with Macronism” and end up being, still according to Manuel Bompard, the “crutch” by Emmanuel Macron. “Macron negotiated with the far right. He betrayed the French once again”he split on X.