“I know I did the worst thing in the world”: Stephanie Brossoit, a Montrealer accused of violently killing her six-year-old daughter while she was using several drugs, pleaded guilty Monday morning to a charge of manslaughter.
Little Maélie Brossoit-Nogueira was killed by her mother on the evening of July 23, 2020, while they were sleeping in the same room. Stéphanie Brossoit was then in a state of psychosis.
The six-year-old girl took refuge in the bathroom to escape the stab wounds during the evening of the terrible tragedy. The police found the door smashed. The little one had died in the bathtub and her body was covered with 80 wounds, according to the joint statement of facts filed in progress.
His mother, “disorganized and agitated”, was arrested by the police the same evening and taken to hospital. She referenced her daughter’s death several times during her ambulance ride. His speech was long and chaotic:
“I know I did the worst thing in the world”, “Ah, I’m dead”, “There’s a guy running after me”, “If I don’t sleep, I’m going to die”, “I don’t understand what’s happening to me”, “If I kill her, I’ll get out of it”, “I’m going to die”, “I’m trying to kill my daughter, I did this and I’m going to do it again”, “If I commit suicide, I’m going to die”, “I mustn’t do what I was told to do”, “I wouldn’t kill my daughter”, “I killed my daughter. »
Drug mix
The mother had consumed intoxicants which prevented her from sleeping in the days preceding the visit of her little girl, in shared custody. “Indeed, before taking custody of her daughter, the accused had hardly slept for several days. Thus, in order to be able to do her day, the accused consumed a tablet of speed in the morning, ”explains the summary of the facts.
Stéphanie Brossoit feared that she would not be able to sleep because she did not have enough Seroquel, a medication prescribed to her by medical prescription.
So she asks a friend to bring her some Indian cigarettes and one and a half “caps” of GHB.
In addition to bringing GHB, this friend provides him with a cannabis cake.
“She woke up in a confused state, feeling stuck in another dimension. She felt between life and death. Her thoughts were telling her that she had to stab her child to save her,” the summary of facts states.
“No justice”, denounces the family
Stéphanie Brossoit should have been found guilty at the end of a trial, think the father of the victim and his family. She was originally charged with second degree murder. The jury trial was to last five weeks.
The victim’s family
“The laws would have to change in Quebec. There is no justice. You can kill your child, say you’re in psychosis and get a reduced sentence and charge. Will she be 6 years old? 7 years ? How many children are going to die like this in silence? “, confided in tears Manuela Pires, the aunt of the victim.
The father of the young Maélie has asked for the publication ban on the identity of his daughter to be lifted. This prohibition prevented the media from naming the little victim as well as disclosing details which made it possible to identify him.
“It is a crime of extreme violence. It’s a horror story and it was going to be forgotten. We couldn’t talk about it. We wanted people to remember Maélie, ”explained to The Press Mme Worse, tears in your eyes.
Sentencing submissions will take place on March 23.