“Manslaughter” by Rebekah Harry: “She didn’t deserve this” testifies her father in tears

Two years after his daughter was beaten to death by an abusive spouse, Rebekah Harry’s father remains inconsolable and continues to relive the fateful day his ‘little baby’ died, he testified in court while whoever committed this “manslaughter” should be sentenced to 14 years in prison.

• Read also: Femicide in 2021: a Montrealer pleads guilty to manslaughter

• Read also: Plead guilty to reduced charges: a very bad message sent to victims of domestic violence

“She didn’t deserve this. She was disfigured by injuries, in a coma. I was lost, I was praying for her to come back, for a miracle, to come back to life. But there were none. I lost something inside me that day, and that feeling still lives on today. No one can understand this pain without having experienced it. Every day, I think of her, I loved her so much …”, testified in tears Ian Harry, this Tuesday at the Montreal courthouse.

Sitting in the dock, Brandon McIntyre, a 34-year-old colossus, kept his head down as he listened to this vibrant testimony in memory of Rebekah Harry, a “strong, fighter woman who did everything to try to survive”.

It is that on March 20, 2021, he had killed his 29-year-old spouse by attacking her, under the eyes of an ex-spouse who was there.

“[La victime] was not defending herself, she was just trying to protect herself”, had launched the young woman, who cannot be identified by order of the court, during a hearing in December 2021.

McIntyre had thrown the young woman against a bassinet and had begun to punch her in the face and to trample on her ribs, while she tried somehow to protect herself in the fetal position.

“She tells him: “[…] baby please stop. Why are you doing this? Stop, please,'” said McIntyre’s ex-spouse, adding that she was pushed back when she tried to intervene.

Brandon Mcintyre, guilty of manslaughter for beating his wife Rebekah Harry, 29, on Saturday March 20, 2021 in LaSalle.  She died three days later.  FACEBOOK PICTURES

Photo taken from Facebook

Brandon Mcintyre, guilty of manslaughter for beating his wife Rebekah Harry, 29, on Saturday March 20, 2021 in LaSalle. She died three days later. FACEBOOK PICTURES


911 was finally called, but the violent wife-beater demanded that his ex lie by claiming that Mme Harry had been beaten by another person.

Mme Harry died soon after from her injuries.

“The event was difficult, traumatic, for those close to Ms. Harry,” said Ms.e Jasmine Guillaume de la Couronne.

For relatives of the victim, this feminicide reminded them that domestic violence could have tragic consequences, especially since the victim’s child lost his mother.

“From a young age, everyone should be educated on this issue,” wrote a relative in a letter where he promises that she will not die in vain.

M’s motherme Harry, Yolande Frenette, meanwhile praised her daughter “always cheerful, who always wanted to help”.

“I miss his beautiful face so much, he had no right to take his life,” she said.

His words were echoed by Rachelle Tremblay, a close friend of the victim who “does not understand this injustice”.

The family of Rebekah Harry during the ongoing return of the accused Brandon McIntyre regarding the 7th feminicide of the year, at the Palais de Justice de Montreal, in Montreal, on Wednesday April 21, 2021. In this photo: Sarah-Lisa Harry ( sister), Ian Harry (father) and Teddy Harry (brother).  JOEL LEMAY/QMI AGENCY

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

The family of Rebekah Harry during the ongoing return of the accused Brandon McIntyre regarding the 7th feminicide of the year, at the Palais de Justice de Montreal, in Montreal, on Wednesday April 21, 2021. In this photo: Sarah-Lisa Harry ( sister), Ian Harry (father) and Teddy Harry (brother). JOEL LEMAY/QMI AGENCY

Charge reduced

However, if McIntyre was first charged with unpremeditated murder, he finally had the agreement of the Crown to plead guilty to a reduced charge of manslaughter.

“In the present case, the evidence showed that Mr. certainly intended to cause injury to Mrs., but not the intention to cause death,” explained Mr.e Guillaume in order to explain the reasons for the reduced charge.

Except that for the victim’s father, if McIntyre was ever released from prison, he would never be able to see his daughter again.

“It breaks his heart,” said the prosecutor.

Relatives of Rebekah Harry, including her father, on the left, were numerous at the Montreal courthouse on Tuesday for the sentence of Brandon McIntyre, guilty of killing the 29-year-old woman.

Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

Relatives of Rebekah Harry, including her father, on the left, were numerous at the Montreal courthouse on Tuesday for the sentence of Brandon McIntyre, guilty of killing the 29-year-old woman.

The hearing continues. A dozen relatives should address the court. Me William and M.e Kaven Morasse of the defense, who officiates with Me Victoria Nix, presented a joint suggestion of 14 years in prison to Judge Marc-André Blanchard. If the murder charge had been upheld and he had been found guilty, he would automatically have been sentenced to life in prison.

“We are aware that it will not bring dear life [de la victime] to his loved ones”, underlined the Crown.

Touching testimonials

“No one can understand this pain without having experienced it. Every day, I think of her, I loved her so much…”

– Ian Harry, father of Rebekah Harry

“How can such a beautiful woman die so violently? He killed her, he took our little sister from us. »

– Natasha Frenette, sister of Rebekah

“No words can soothe my soul, I miss his presence…”

– Teddy Frenette, brother of Rebekah

“I lost a part of my heart. Time heals many things, but not this. She had such an infectious smile… To see her with her son was to see what true love is. »

– Chantal Frenette, sister of Rebekah

” At the moment [quand la famille a appris que la victime n’allait pas survivre], the life of my parents also stopped. »

– Sarah-Lisa Harry, sister of Rebekah

“I feel broken, destroyed, losing ‘Becky’ was the hardest thing in my life. But I have to stay strong for his son. »

– Ruth Harry, sister of Rebekah

“He stole her life, it’s unfair… It’s unfair that she’s not here anymore, I’ll never understand. »

– Rachelle Tremblay, friend of Rebekah

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