Manon Massé contracts COVID-19

“Very lucky so far”, the co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire Manon Massé tested positive for COVID-19.

The elected representative of Sainte-Marie — Saint-Jacques made the announcement on Twitter Monday noon. “Don’t worry too much, I’ll take some rest in the next few days to heal myself and I’ll come back to you in good health!” she tweeted.

As for the entire Quebec population, the supportive MP will have to undergo strict isolation for five days, then wear her mask at all times if she goes out within the following five days.

After a visit to Bas-Saint-Laurent this weekend, Mme Massé was planning to take time off “to rest” in the coming days, press secretary Gabrielle Arguin told AFP. To have to. The election campaign could be launched at the end of August.

This is Mr.’s first positive COVID-19 Massed in two years and a few months of pandemic. His co-spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois never contracted the disease. Within the five political parties represented in the National Assembly, the leaders François Legault, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon and Éric Duhaime also had to follow quarantines due to COVID-19.

A series of ministers from the Coalition avenir Québec had also contracted the disease in the spring, when the National Assembly was still sitting.

Quebec health authorities have identified more than 1,500 new cases of COVID-19 per day since June, despite slow screening operations. On Monday, Public Health reported 1,224 new cases in the past 24 hours, as well as four deaths.

According to the national director of public health, Luc Boileau, Quebec is still heading towards a “plateau”. “That doesn’t mean it’s going down,” he said at a press conference last week. This means that it remains high, but it is not increasing again in terms of hospitalizations. »

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