Manon Marsault ready to file a complaint: marks on her daughter’s body are controversial

Since the beginning of the week, Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti have been talking a lot on social networks. It would seem that there is water in the gas between the two stars of the Marseilles, so much so that the young woman made the decision to leave the family home with their two children, Tiago (4 years old) and Angelina (1 year old) with her (since the trio returned). Faced with the many comments on the subject, Manon Marsault has agreed to break the silence.

On Snapchat, she confirmed that an argument had broken out with her husband and that she had gone to her parents-in-law’s house for a few days with her children. However, she assures that Julien Tanti has always had the opportunity to come and see them. “There was no disappearanceI will never play this because the children have nothing to do with the confusion of couples“, she confided on Snapchat.

But now the toddlers find themselves once again embroiled in a story in spite of themselves. Still on Snapchat, Manon Marsault very seriously wanted to answer to rumors of physical violence. Some Internet users are convinced that the marks seen on Angelina’s body are the result of physical violence. (See our slideshow).

An aberration for Manon Marsault, who explains that it is only mosquito bites … “I just showed you that my daughter is being eaten by mosquitoes. Mosquito repellents don’t work. People who invent that the confusion between Julien and me is because there was violence and my daughter has marks… There, we have to stop freaking out, these are things that can be very serious. We will never be violent with our children. I am willing to admit that it is our fault for displaying our lives in public, but to go from there to inventing that there was violence against our children… not at all what. I find it disgusting“, she got annoyed. Then, she clarified that her argument with Julien had taken place on July 14 in Cannes and that their children were not even with them.

To conclude, the reality TV candidate warned that she would not hesitate to turn to justice. “It’s not my style to threaten but if this kind of stories is not deleted very quickly, whether it is the person who invented or those who relay, I’m filing a defamation complaint tomorrow morning.. I will not let go of the matter, these are very sensitive subjects. I kindly ask you to delete and stop making things up“, she concluded.

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