Manon Marsault “hysterical” and in tears with Julien Tanti: their boat sinks, nightmare in the middle of the night…

Big scare on the night of Sunday July 3 to Monday July 4, 2022 for a leading couple of Marseilles (W9). Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti had the fear of their lives. On Snapchat, the mother of Tiago (4 years old) and Angelina (1 year and a half) appears in tears and panicked by the situation. With her half that she married, she spent the evening on a boat in the South of France. This same marine vehicle hit a rock and began to sink, in the open sea…

We spent a day in Cannes. We are on a boat and we are simply sinking. We took a rock in the middle of nowhere. It is dark night. We called the emergency services 45 minutes ago, no one is coming… It’s greatthen launches Manon Marsault. I find it very serious as a situation. I’m totally freaking out. I clearly had a fit of hysteria. There, I calmed down a bit. I hope they will arrive quickly because the boat is starting to drop to the water level little by little. I feel like I’m on the Titanic. (…) I am at the end of my life.

Still waiting for outside help to leave the boat and reach the mainland, Manon Marsault recounts the accident. “When we took the rock it made a big boom! I was hysterical, I thought of my children, I screamed, I cried…“, she remembers, moved, specifying that this situation makes her”crazy pinball machine“.”It’s not a big boat, I think we’re on a rock. Anyway, I see rocks all around. Fortunately I was not with the children because I would have really panicked“, adds the ex-girlfriend of a famous footballer, in tears.

Several solutions are then available to the castaways… but none really works. “The distress flare, we tried it doesn’t work“, indicates Manon Marsault. As for the life jackets, they “no longer pass because the strings have been pulled“. Finally, Manon Marsault, Julien Tanti and the other passengers of the boat are rescued! “A big thank you to the volunteer SNSM for coming to save us“, writes the young mother, relieved.

More fear than harm, phew!

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