Manon Marsault “disgusted” after her last injections: her big decision

In recent years, reality TV contestants have proudly displayed their new body or face after having had cosmetic surgery. Many did not resist the call of the knife and were proud of it. But the situation has changed recently since Luna Skye’s health concerns. Women realized that it could be dangerous. Manon Marsault in particular made a big decision as she confided on Snapchat on December 15, 2021.

Her friend Luna Skye is not doing well. Following injections she made in order to increase the volume of her buttocks, the former candidate of Marseillais (W9) contracted sepsis and therefore stayed in hospital several times. She is currently there and has been there for a month, her condition not improving. Emilie Amar, another reality TV candidate who notably participated in Friends Trip, does not get better. She caught a “antibiotic resistant staphylococcus“after having undergone the same operation as Paga’s ex-companion. What worries some participants who sometimes resort to injections.

While she was in her car, Manon Marsault wanted to chat a little with her subscribers. “I would like to show you, cleansed and without filter what I don’t like it on my face because of the injections“, first confided the wife of Julien Tanti. She then explained that it had been months that she had not done any at the level of the mouth and that she intended to continue the momentum. “Jno longer intends to touch it“, she assured.

Bye bye cosmetic surgery for Manon Marsault?

I’m not saying definitely for life but I can tell you injection and all that is cosmetic surgery, in general, I will brake a lot“, she then minimized her remarks. Manon Marsault recognizes that when she was young, she”abused“. But she assured that she always thought carefully before going to the pool table.”Now I think a million times“, she clarified.

The mother of Tiago (3 years) and Angelina (1 year) takes more care. In question ? An error during his last injections. “Basically, I have dark circles problems. (…) And recently I had injections. I’ll explain it to you and show you the result, but it sickened me. I find a solution to put an end to this problem of dark circles and after, finito“, she concluded.

Remember that Manon Marsault has already undergone two breast augmentations (the last dates back to last May) and has buttock implants. On the face, she has already given injections in the dark circles, in the mouth or Botox in the forehead.

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