Manon Marsault cash on her last failed cosmetic surgery!

Cosmetic surgery among reality TV candidates never stops talking. Right now, it’s mostly the misses that line up and make noise. There are the 6 women, including Luna Skye and Emilie Amar, who accuse the surgeon Benjamin Azoulay of mutilation and today, another failure, but for Manon Marsault this time, without Doctor Azoulay.

I was planning to quit, but tomorrow I have an appointment for botox on my forehead!“, first told us Julien Tant’s wifei. Before evoking the reason for returning to the scalpel: “I stopped fillers, like hyaluronic acid which deforms the face. Six months ago, I was missed at the level undereye bags and I lost confidence in myself because of this carnage. I try to catch up little by little“.

But this is not the first time that the mother of Tiago, 5, and Valentina, 3, has spoken of one last time following excesses. “I have a problem there. My lip is hanging down, it made me feel like a ball, I don’t like it at all, so I’m just going to take it off!“, she said in 2021. Or: “I find a solution to end this problem of dark circles and then, finito“. The real der of the ders in 2022?

Laura Bertrand

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