Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti close to divorce? She would have left the house, he provokes her with her exes

But what is happening between Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti? Apparently, the two stars of Marseilles would no longer live together. Worse, a rupture is evoked. All this dark history would have started because of the diffusion of the episodes of It’s the family (6play). Broadcast images would have angered the brother who would have had the impression that his wife wanted to show that she was wearing the panties within the couple.

A rumor launched by the Instagram account tmzfrofficieltaken up by our colleagues from Purebreak. If at first they would have started to in”discuss calmly“, it would have quickly degenerated. “There was a big argument and a lot of reproaches were made. Manon told Julien that she was the one who managed everything and that if her life was so well organized and in place today, it was thanks to her. She told him that he couldn’t speak a word of English and that she was the one who managed everything in Dubai“, reveals, among other things, the Instagram account. Words that would have made the Marseilles man jump, who believes that it is she who owes him everything. Obviously this is going far enough for Manon to leave the house with the children.

However, as evidenced by Julien’s Spnachat account, he is fine with Tiago (4 years old) and Angelina (1 year old). You can see them eating and the little boy playing in the pool. On the other hand, no trace of the mother who no longer posts anything on Instagram or Snapchat. Something to fuel the rumour…

Still according to the Instagram account, following the departure of Manon, Julien Tanti would have continued to “provoke on the networks by posting tweets and following his exes to get his attention“. He notably followed Parisa. Not sure that this will fix things with his beauty who was at the heart of a bad buzz a few days ago.

As a reminder, this is not the first time that Manon Marsault has slammed the door. She had already done so in 2020 when she left with her daughter Angelina, who was only 2 months old at the time. Fortunately, the breakup was avoided. We hope for their children that this time too. And to think that a few days ago the couple celebrated their birthday by revealing a somewhat embarrassing photo of their attachment.

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