The rebellious head of the list in the European elections defends a resumption of peace negotiations and suggests a referendum in Crimea and Donbass so that the populations choose for themselves whether they want to be Ukrainian or Russian.
Reading time: 2 min

“I’m tired of being told that there is ambiguity” of La France insoumise with regard to Vladimir Putin, the head of the LFI list in the European elections Manon Aubry, guest of Demain l’Europe, was annoyed on Wednesday April 3 on franceinfo. “There is no complacency with Vladimir Putin”assured the MEP.
Those who say “that there is supposedly an ambiguity in LFI hurts politics”she added, before driving the point home: “They say things that are false and bring opprobrium to an entire political movement.” “Who today protected, defended opponents of Vladimir Putin? It’s rebellious France”she emphasized. “We did not receive Vladimir Putin with great fanfare as François Hollande did in his time when he had already invaded Crimea,” she shouted. According to her, “by doing this, in reality, you are destroying the strength of the peacemakers, those who are fighting to help Ukraine.”
The head of the list of the Rebels of the Europeans once again defended a ceasefire and negotiations to “find the path to peace”. “France must take leadership of the peace camp and find a diplomatic solution” in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, she pleaded, adding that the voice of diplomacy is the only one allowing “find the exit from a tunnel which is very dark”. If the Russian president “will never be a friend, she assured, you have to have the courage to negotiate.”while‘”there have already been 200,000 deaths in this conflict and in a year, maybe Vladimir Putin will occupy 30-40%” of Ukrainian territory. For Manon Aubry, “it is the role and responsibility of France as a nuclear power, as a driving country, as a country which has also been non-aligned in its history, to find this winding path”.
Manon Aubry wants “as a priority”, “relaunch production coordination” military and industrial at European level. Again criticizing Emmanuel Macron’s controversial statements on a possible deployment of Western ground troops in Ukraine, judged “ineffective and irresponsible”, Manon Aubry called for the organization of referendums in the regions disputed by kyiv and Moscow. “One of the possible options is for there to be a referendum” in Crimea and Donbass. “It’s not up to me or Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but it’s up to the people there to decide whether they decide to be Russians (…) or Ukrainians,” she pressed.