Manipulators and manipulated | The duty

Clever manipulators are successfully trying to interfere in the electoral process of foreign countries. The Russians tried in the US presidential election to favor Trump, while the Chinese did the same in the last federal election in favor of Justin Trudeau. It seems that both the manipulators and the manipulated derive some benefit from this. Let’s try to sort out the issues.

We all remember that Trump benefited from the support of Putin during his election to the American presidency. Why did the Russian machine strive to help the Republican candidate? To ask the question, is to answer it. In trying to facilitate his election, Putin chose a vis-à-vis he could influence. By flattering his narcissism and egocentrism, Putin was placing his pawns for the future. For his part, Trump bulged his chest believing he was important in the international arena, and everyone therefore found his benefit.

Closer to home, China also wanted to interfere in the election of the Liberal government in Ottawa in order to gain access to possible information. Through various schemes, the Chinese government financed the Liberal campaign in certain ridings, including that of Prime Minister Trudeau, and also favored the choice of candidates in certain ridings.

This Chinese interference worries Canadians, and the Prime Minister’s passive reaction troubles them even more. How can a government trivialize such secret operations that tarnish the Canadian democratic process and its independence?

Reminding us of Father Ovide in the soap opera The beautiful stories of the pays d’en haut, the appointment of a special official rapporteur is insufficient given the seriousness of the problem. The creation of a commission of inquiry is essential to shed light on the actions of the manipulators and the manipulated; Canada’s credibility is at stake.

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