The book “Manifesto for the freedom to age at home” is a source book, from which everyone can draw all kinds of information on “aging at home” and how to achieve it.
Reading time: 2 min

Talking about aging remains taboo, as it amounts to evoking suffering, loneliness, financial difficulties. However, there is a proven alternative: aging in place. A choice often rejected for the wrong reasons – too expensive, insecure…
Manifesto for the freedom to age at home under the direction of Laurent Permasse at Editions du Cherche Midi, is a book which gives a voice to the elderly or their loved ones, and to all those who act, whether they are caregivers, home service professionals, caregivers or business leaders. businesses.
There are many solutions, little known or little applied. Health, personal assistance, housing development, financing. It is urgent to communicate about these possibilities which bring about a revolution in mentalities, and which change the lives of our loved ones, and ours tomorrow.
An aging population
According to a recent study published by INSEE in Economics and statistics December 2020 : “SIf recent demographic trends continued, France would have 76.4 million inhabitants in 2070, or 9.4 million more than in 2020 .
Most of this increase would come from people aged 65 or over, who would increase by 8.2 million, to reach a total of nearly 22 million people in 2070. This increase in absolute value is not the only cause in the aging phenomenon of the population: this also comes from the differential between generations.
The ratio between 20-64 year olds and those over 65 will have fallen from 6.4 in 1920 to 4.2 in 1970 then to 2.7 in 2020 and could reach 1.7 in 2070. Life expectancy without disability corresponds to the number of years a person can expect to live without being limited in their daily activities.
According to the Drees (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics), in 2019, a 65-year-old woman can hope to live 11.5 years without disability and 18.5 years without severe disability; a man, 10.4 years without disability and 15.7 years without severe disability. In France, disability-free life expectancy at age 65 is 5 months higher than the European average.
The probability of experiencing a situation of loss of autonomy. INSEE and Drees estimate that the share of people who will benefit from the APA (personalized autonomy allowance) at one time or another before death will increase from 25% today to 36% in 2040. duration in a situation of loss of autonomy will increase by one year, going from 4 years today to 5 years in 2040.
Aging well at home: that’s possible too!