Significant gusts, which can locally exceed 100 km / h, are expected on Wednesday.
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Be careful if you live in Manche, Pas-de-Calais or Seine-Maritime. Météo France placed these three departments on orange alert on Wednesday April 12, for the risk of high winds. Heavy gusts are expected during the day due to storm Noa.
🔶 3 departments in Orange
— VigiMeteoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) April 12, 2023
On the North-Western half, the unstable weather will generalize in the afternoon with more and more frequent showers. These showers will be accompanied above all by strong gusts of up to 80 to 100 km / h inland and by the sea. Locally, these gusts can exceed 100 km / h from the Normandy coast to Pas-de-Calais. In the rest of France, wind is also expected along the Mediterranean, with gusts reaching 70 to 90 km / h.