Many non-profit associations, whose business is to house very precarious populations, do not have the right to pass on the increase in the cost of energy in the charges invoiced to their tenants.
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A welcome help to cope with the explosion of energy costs. Associations managing social residences or homes for young workers or migrants, which accommodate nearly 200,000 low-income people, welcomed Friday July 21 having obtained government aid of 192 euros per accommodation, for 2022. “This aid is paid in one go, in 2023, depending on the total number of dwellings of the structure in question, and is not renewable”specifies a decree published Friday in the Official Journal.
Expected for months, this decision will “to be able to give managers a temporary breath of fresh air” of the residences concerned, wrote in a press release the National Union for Youth Housing and the Professional Union of Accompanied Housing.
These two federations had launched, in December, a cry of alarm. They explained that many management associations risked bankruptcy if the government did not help them more to pay their energy bills. These non-profit associations, whose business is to house very precarious populations, do not have the right to pass on the increase in the cost of energy in the charges invoiced to their tenants, when they have received the “energy check” exceptional from 100 to 200 euros granted in 2022 by the government to low-income individuals.