Management of COVID-19 | Anglade wants more predictability

“It’s time to really learn to live with the virus,” said official opposition leader Dominique Anglade, who is asking for more predictability for Quebecers, exasperated by the constant closings and reopenings of certain sectors.

Posted at 10:05 a.m.
Updated at 10:19 a.m.

Mayssa Ferah

Mayssa Ferah
The Press

“We may have to learn to live with the virus for several more months or even years. How many other variants like Omicron will appear? Nobody knows,” explains the leader of the Liberal Party of Quebec.

It proposes the creation of the “COVIE-19 unit”, responsible for coordinating efforts to reopen and maintain activities with partners from different sectors. The PLQ also suggests an independent scientific committee led by the Chief Scientist, predictable deconfinement plans by sector and separate press briefings between Public Health and Prime Minister François Legault.

The long-term supply for protective equipment and screening tests, vaccines, medicines and ventilation equipment was also discussed.

Quebecers out of patience

Restaurant owners, entrepreneurs, artists and school children need more predictability and transparency to ensure the success of the next reopening and no longer closing, she pleads.

Mme Anglade notes that more and more Quebecers are running out of patience following the many closings and reopenings that are undermining the morale of the population.

“We must think of the young people who can no longer practice sports, the elderly who live in loneliness or the artists, restaurateurs and hoteliers who have lost their livelihood. »

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