Man charged with two attempted murders near mosques

The suspect, arrested after a man was set on fire near a Birmingham mosque and suspected of another similar attack in London, was charged on Thursday with two attempted murders, police said.

Mohammed Abbkr, 28, is due in court in the morning, West Midlands police said, without giving further details on his motives.

The anti-terrorist police intervene in support of the investigations.

In Birmingham, central England, a 70-year-old man was leaving a mosque on his way home on Monday when he was doused with an unidentified substance which ignited. He was taken to hospital with serious facial injuries.

On February 27, in West London, the suspect had struck up a conversation with the victim, an 82-year-old man, as they left the place of worship together. Five minutes later, the suspect had doused him with a liquid, which investigators believe was gasoline, before setting it on fire with a lighter.

The victim had been hospitalized with serious injuries to the face and arms.

On Wednesday, the police had indicated that the two events were “linked”.

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