Man charged with murder after attempted cell phone theft on subway

This 26-year-old Marseillais was arrested on Wednesday. His accomplice for the theft is identified but still wanted.

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A man was indicted and remanded in custody on Friday January 14 after a 25-year-old boy was stabbed to death a week earlier in a metro station, indicates the public prosecutor of Marseille on Saturday. The suspect, a 26-year-old Marseillais, admitted in police custody to having stabbed this asylum seeker twice at the Notre-Dame-du-Mont station on January 7, reports France Bleu Provence. The murder weapon was found at his home.

He tried with an accomplice to steal the mobile phone of the victim’s companion. The testimony of this one and the CCTV cameras allowed the police to find the trace of the perpetrators, who had fled on a scooter with false plates. The man who admitted stabbing was arrested on Wednesday, his accomplice in the theft is identified but still wanted.

The murder suspect will have to answer for “attempted theft in a means of public transport, murder, concealment of theft and violence”. He was already known for concealment of theft in 2020. On the day of the murder, he was also supposed to be tried for old facts, theft in meetings and the use of narcotics. He had been sentenced in his absence to a four-month suspended sentence for theft in meetings and drug use.

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